Emotion | Description | Screenshot | Fps | Created At | |
I have two ECU feeding seperately into matching battery banks. These in turn plug into two connected workshops which are part of the same base. BUT rather than both supplying for arguments sake 50% each of the base's requirements, it is as if the other power feed in system is ignored and pretends that it doesn't exist. | ![]() | 47.80 | 2025-01-17 17:57:44 | ||
This battery recognises 108 in and 89 out, but it has ceased to store power with the reading having stayed at 7.83 for over a day of game time. | ![]() | 48.01 | 2025-01-17 18:05:31 | ||
My power grid has been all over the place. Most of the time lately power is not flowing to the locations that it is supposed to be. Each time that I exit the game and come back it changes. Again sometimes it works perfectly and other times I can't seem to power a light bulb. I do really like this game as a whole. | ![]() | 59.94 | 2025-01-17 19:44:10 | ||
le jeux sauvegarde seul en permanence | ![]() | 59.87 | 2025-01-17 20:15:50 | ||
Sometimes there are no tools to fix circuits | ![]() | 30.00 | 2025-01-17 21:39:41 | ||
Hotair tool and soldering tool are not showing up when I'm trying to repair circuit boards. | ![]() | 60.06 | 2025-01-18 04:48:01 | ||
So all in all, I am nearing the end of the tech tree advancement, and I am now about 2 technologies away from unlocking the launch pad to take the rocket back to Earth. Overall I am very very happy with this game and its development. However I cant figure out how to access the DLC such as the E-comic and the e-book and the wallpapers that I got with the deluxe edition. Can someone get back to me via e-mail and let me know. All and all though, regarding the bugs, I have noticed a few more minor glitches in the game the longer I play it. It seems that more and more things "bug out" the bigger the base gets and the further along you get in the tech tree. Thanks for all your hard work and I can't wait for co op. | ![]() | 60.06 | 2025-01-18 08:06:53 | ||
beim abwär einstellung kommt man nicht raus . man bleibt hängen | ![]() | 59.94 | 2025-01-18 11:45:21 | ||
Bug while looting ores. Endless ores spawning from rocks sometimes while using drill. Greetings | ![]() | 60.06 | 2025-01-18 17:59:07 | ||
It would be very practical to have a late-game "fast-build", "fast-grind" mechanism (possibly an options setting); for example, when building the launch pad, it take a long time to build. Then, if there is an issue, and it needs to be moved, it takes more time to grind it down, and then time to rebuild again. If there is the instance where you are building and realise it's been placed incorrectly, grinding it down when it's partially built takes absurdly long for it to "unbuild", usually a single or pair of items at a time. I play games to build; so things like this (long build and grind times with no "instant" option) is a huge frustration, and are directly adverse to my enjoyment of the game. "Realism" is fine, if that's the attempt here, but there is also making the game "enjoyable to play", so for late-game playing, I am happy to sacrifice "realistic build times" for being able to build very quickly/instantly. Late-game is not about resources-gathering anymore, so having such long build/grind times stands in the way of creativity. Thank you for your time and consideration. | ![]() | 33.36 | 2025-01-18 18:49:01 | ||
I play games because I like to build. While I have enjoyed Occupy Mars The Game considerably, there are many aspects I find frustrating while trying to build. For example, when trying to place buildings, it would be extremely helpful to understand why the building is "red" and will not build. A simple text onto the screen informing the player as to why the item will not build would be extremely helpful. Such as: "Collision with another object" (and possibly highlight the conflicting object), or "uneven terrain", or "no resources" (like with wells or miners), etc, etc. Advising the player as to what the issue is can lessen the frustration. Additionally, when on uneven terrain (slopes and such) there should be a practical "override" in the build mechanics to allow for terrain issues. For example, when building a well, the well itself might be green, as will be the Sabatier Reactors but then when trying to place a O2 or CH4 tank, they will be red. This means you have to tear down everything, and then rebuild. As the Sebatier Reactor is useless without one of the tanks, then if the Reactor will build (green) then the tank should also build, regardless of terrain. This is also true of expandable items like batteries, pumps, and transformers. Or build in a mechanism where the terrain "auto-adjusts" for the expansion, or a means for the players to alter terrain (digging, just like drilling rocks) so the additional expansions can take place successfully. Thank you for your time and consideration. | ![]() | 49.91 | 2025-01-18 19:12:34 | ||
everytime I see the black head, I know, that I will die, as soon, as I open the door. This is an annoying bug. It is said, that helmet is sealed, but when I open the door, I can't breath and preassure is low - I die. Workaround is to save and quit. When I start and load the game, everything is fine. | ![]() | 60.06 | 2025-01-19 14:18:29 | ||
el ensamblado de los coetes se demora demaciado lo mejor seria que tuviera su propia mesa para ensamblar el kit de coetes que pueda ensamblar barios y que tenga un inventario como la impresoras pero mas grande para poner varios al mismo tiempo. gracias | ![]() | 60.00 | 2025-01-19 14:58:21 | ||
Forschungstische: selbst wenn man einen Strang bis zum Forschungstisch freigeschaltet hat, kann man den Forschungstisch erst erforschen, wenn mindestens 2 Stränge bis dorthin freigeschaltet wurden. Man wird ja eigentlich darauf hingewiesen, dass man sich gut überlegen soll, welchen Weg man wählt- wenn man aber doch sowieso alles erforschen muss, um bis zum Forschungstisch zu geklangen, dann ist das doch Quatsch. | ![]() | 139.93 | 2025-01-19 16:04:24 | ||
Why would we need power to have a storge locker?I keep my tools for cleaning the solar panels in them, and if they are clogged I got non power for the lockers, and then I can't clean them. | ![]() | 59.89 | 2025-01-19 17:01:19 | ||
no estaria mal un puesta que genere un enjambre de drones para la reparaciones y el llenado de las baterias de misiles. | ![]() | 60.06 | 2025-01-19 17:53:32 | ||
Hi. I see two Stockage Unit in the techtree, Food and Constrction. Maybe another item will be better in the Construction Menu | ![]() | 0 | 2025-01-19 20:20:37 | ||
the big rock crusher and container would delete their contents randomly, i don't know how to replicate this sadly. | ![]() | 29.99 | 2025-01-19 20:33:20 | ||
Hangar Gebäude Bitte im Hangar auch einen Sauerstoff Anschluss verbauen über den man den Mars Rover mit Sauerstoff befüllen kann wenn man mindestens 1 Sauerstoff Wäscher im Hangar aufgebaut hat. Oder über den Außenanschluss mit Sauerstoff Versorgung gelegt hat. Dann kann man im Hangar den NEUEN Sauerstoff Anschluss nutzen um ihn mit Sauerstoff zu befüllen. Mir entzieht sich der Sin einen Hangar zu Bauen in dem man seine Fahrzeuge Laden kann ABER um sie mit Sauerstoff zu versorgen muss man einen Außen Anschluss nutzen daher ist für mich derzeit ein Hangar bau eher witzlos. Das würde sich Natürlich ändern wenn man in ihm sowohl Akkus Laden als auch mit Sauerstoff seine Fahrzeuge versorgen KANN. Danke MfG Hangar Building Please also install an oxygen connection in the hangar that you can use to fill the Mars Rover with oxygen if you have installed at least one oxygen washer in the hangar. Or if you have installed an oxygen supply over the external connection. Then you can use the NEW oxygen connection in the hangar to fill it with oxygen. I don't see the point of building a hangar in which you can charge your vehicles BUT to supply them with oxygen you have to use an external connection, so for me building a hangar is pointless at the moment. That would of course change if you could charge batteries in it as well as supply your vehicles with oxygen. Thanks Best regards | ![]() | 28.81 | 2025-01-19 21:10:54 |