Emotion | Description | Screenshot | Fps | Created At | |
Я перестал получать очки опыта за любые действия. Технологически опыт так и остался на уровне 0.67 и больне не увеличивается... Не знаю, как дальше играть. у меня снова есть желание удалить игру и больше к ней не возвращаться... Уже версия 0.135, а именно эти критические баги всё еще не исправлены. | ![]() | 19.97 | 2023-09-16 11:09:40 | ||
I haven't seen it in the update notes, but both the motorcycle and truck are gone. My motorcycle was in my garage and the truck was right outside. Both are gone. | ![]() | 38.93 | 2023-09-16 11:12:15 | ||
Wells have changed but I also didn't see anything about that in the change log either. Granted the change log is what I see posted in Steam. Anyway, the wells use to replenish at 40L and I designed my setups to consume 36L so that I never use more than they replenish. Now the Max volumne of the well is less, down to 250 and the replenishment is down to 27.5. I also noticed the wells efficiency is down to 76% with no information about how this works. The issue is with the changes to the waterspots and wells all of my watering system designs are messed up and I am constantly drawing more water than can be supplied. Now, these kinds of changes are expected, but notification is nice so we can adjust out game play before issues arise not after. | ![]() | 33.36 | 2023-09-16 11:20:13 | ||
Wells and pumps. I have all of my wells with the attached water tanks. The tanks then feed pumps. The pumps are set to 75% (because for some reason they work on percentages instead of flow). The wells are constantly out of water because the pump is pulling all the water from it instead of only pulling 75%. How is one supposed to fill a water bottle when the pump is pulling all the water even then it is set to not pull all of the water? | ![]() | 34.00 | 2023-09-16 11:24:15 | ||
Concept. Since waterspots are chaning and wells are chaning. I now have a bunch of wells that are over powering the waterspots. I would love to turn some of my wells off until I can redsign the setup. The only option I have though is to grind them down until they stop working. If I could shut off wells until I get my balance, that would be great. Then if this waterspot ever changed and started producing the water it use to produce, then I could simply turn the wells back on. As it currently works, I have to destroy the wells and if the waterspot starts producing again, rebuild the well. | ![]() | 29.43 | 2023-09-16 11:28:00 | ||
I noticed as well that the starter ATV is missing with the truck and motorcycle. The odd thing is that the map shows my ATV should be where I am standing. I can even see rendering issues in the ground like the ATV might be here, but there is no ATV to interact with. Something really went wrong with this last update. I also noted that the hangar still shows that I have a truck, motorcyle, atv, and my rover yet the rover is the only vehicle I can see and interact with. | ![]() | 40.48 | 2023-09-16 11:41:19 | ||
I found the map icon for my truck. Not even close to where it was parked at my hangar charing. I went to the spot and like my ATV, I can see the ground discoloration of where the wheels would be, but there is no truck and I cannot interact with it if it is invisible. Similar for the motorcycle. I found its icon on the map and went to it and the same. I love me some water bottles for exploring, but not at the cost of all the vehicles besides the rover. | ![]() | 33.09 | 2023-09-16 11:44:34 | ||
Building using more resources than stated. I had 100 pipe. I just had to get a new stack because I ran out. I built items that total 86 pipe usage, but I am out of pipe now. Where the the other 14 go? I built 6 large wind turbine (48 pipe), two large horizontal tanks (20 pipe) and 3 tanks on the back of 3 wells (18 pipe). Where did the other 14 pipe go? | ![]() | 23.01 | 2023-09-16 12:10:13 | ||
Hey there, i was driving my Rover when I saw a rift in the landscape where i could see beneath the ground. When bumping into the rift it threw my rover into the air and turned it wheels up upon landing... | ![]() | 19.99 | 2023-09-16 12:17:09 | ||
Wardrobe and suit colors. I recently noticed my previous designated suit colors were gone. I figured the update wiped the setting out. I just reset my colors to how I wanted them and the suit looked fine. I went to sleep in game and when I woke up the animation showed my suit colors to be wrong again. That was literally seconds in the game from setting the colors to sleeping and having them reset. I went back to the wardrobe to check what it thought my colors should be and they are in fact wrong. I don't know what process made the colors revert, but it is broken. | ![]() | 36.32 | 2023-09-16 12:20:15 | ||
Measurements are again questionable and what they are and mean. What are the electric cable and water cable measurements in? I had over 1200 water cable and I ran out around 418m away from my starting point. Are we mixing feet and meters or is there no measurement of what 1 cable is? Obvsiouly there is, but it sure isn't a meter. But why would a cable be 1/3 of a meter unless it was in feet. Why would there even be a unit of measure change in the game when everything is in metric (meter / liter)? A one off to standard system of measurement for cable makes zero sense and makes the game confusing for building systems and required materials. | ![]() | 27.89 | 2023-09-16 12:35:12 | ||
Cable. I just had a cable hooked up from a pump to a tank. I unhooked the cable to get water. When I tried to put the cable back it said not enough cable. How was there enough cable to have it hooked up and when I unhooked it, the cable apparently shrinks so that now it will not hookup? That is some buggy cable. | ![]() | 36.77 | 2023-09-16 12:41:51 | ||
I think I know what happened to the truck, atv, and motorcycle. I just used my jet pack to fly away from my rover, the only vehicle I have left. When I was flying back, I noticed my rover was not in the same place I just left it. I have not quit and loaded a save, this is continuous gameplay. Anyway, on landing my rover is about 200m away from where I left it. The is strange bug #1. Bug #2 and where I think my other vehicles went, the rover is burried halfway in the ground. I can see enough of it to know it is my rover, but what ever moved the rover also burried the rover. I am betting that all my other vehicles since they were also moved were also burried to a point that I cannot see or access them. This is all new bugs I have never seen before. | ![]() | 31.14 | 2023-09-16 12:54:46 | ||
1 FPS is just wow. I know the performance drops as the game progresses, but consitently hitting 1FPS now. I have to pause the game until it at least gets to double digits to play poorly. A fresh game gets 60FPS, but this progression is down to such poor performance that it is another one that goes into cold storage while I try other things out on a fresh start. I might actually shelf the entire game until performance increases or some other big update happens like I did last time. I was realy hoping this update addressed at least some performance problems. | ![]() | 3.00 | 2023-09-16 13:49:54 | ||
hangar door no open | ![]() | 20.01 | 2023-09-16 13:56:56 | ||
Now my rover has just stopped moving. The battery is still over 50%. I was driving and then it just stopped. Pressing R to reset moves the rover, but pressing W or S does not move the vehicle. Sometimes it will roll a little, but its like no power is being delivered. The health is 100% so it is not damaged to the point of not moving. Just some random bug that made the rover stop driving. | ![]() | 16.95 | 2023-09-16 14:10:25 | ||
Everytime the game is open all controls are reseted. | ![]() | 29.98 | 2023-09-16 15:12:00 | ||
Would be nice to have some kind of Inventory sorting system. | ![]() | 0 | 2023-09-16 16:01:53 | ||
Colored Icons for inventory would be amazing QOL. Being able to itentify certain items, like first aid kit, among other items would be awesome. | ![]() | 0 | 2023-09-16 16:05:01 | ||
Я сделал пакет еды из тыквы, свеклы, кукурузы и капусты. Получил 50-60%. Но после перезагрузки игры, все пакеты с едой стали стандартными 36-48!!! | ![]() | 30.01 | 2023-09-16 16:47:08 |