Emotion | Description | Screenshot | Fps | Created At | |
I have plenty of water plugged into the base. Ive done as much checking as i can and yet it says that i dont have any water in the base. The greenhouse is getting water but the faucet isnt letting me fill up from. Im not sure if its a bug or im doing something wrong. | 19.98 | 2024-09-13 18:05:41 | |||
warum verfickt nochmal setzt ihr Resurcen an Stellen, wo man keinen Extraktor plazieren kann.. ????? IHR SEID SO SCHEIß DÄMLICH !!!!! | 8.48 | 2024-09-13 17:42:17 | |||
I put a abandoned tablet in the box for circuits and pendrives and I used it to unlock a new technology, but it wasnt consumed. I used it again and unlocked another technology and it was still in the box, so I could have used it again and again to unlock all technologies. | 60.06 | 2024-09-13 17:16:40 | |||
warum kann man für gefundene Resurcen keine entsprechenden Marker setzen??? und warum zum TEUFEL kann man für jede Farbe nur eine Markierung setzen ???? wie blöd seid IHR eigendlich... FUCK... in jedem anderen Aufbauspiel auf diesem Planeten geht das !!!!!!!! NUR bei Eurem SCHEIß SPIEL geht das nicht !!! WARUM ?????? | 10.86 | 2024-09-13 17:15:00 | |||
what erver i do stupid fuse break od workshop | 37.48 | 2024-09-13 17:07:31 | |||
all the time the stupid fuses are breaking. | 37.47 | 2024-09-13 16:43:40 | |||
trashcans need to be bigger for the large unwanted items. | 0 | 2024-09-13 14:50:25 | |||
Seed Production Machine seems to generate two Seed Magazines when player is carrying a Planting Tool in their inventory while operating the machine. | 60.01 | 2024-09-13 14:35:45 | |||
Being able to rotate your build projects while placing them would be handy. Walking in circles to do this is a bit annoying. | 72.09 | 2024-09-13 14:32:44 | |||
How to mine large rocks? Neither dynamite nor level 3 drill work. | 18.58 | 2024-09-13 12:33:42 | |||
After operating a fuse (turning it on or off), walking away from the fuse box while the fuse animation is still playing will render the fuse box inoperable, in that it won't respond to interaction attempts. | 59.89 | 2024-09-13 12:33:04 | |||
was soll die Scheiße, daß die scheiß Containerrampe ständig nicht an den großen Bergarbeiter paßt ???!!!!! Man wenn Ihr zu blöd seid ein vernünftiges Speil zu " basteln " DANN LAßT ES SEIN----- FUCK SCHEIßE !!!!!!! | 11.87 | 2024-09-13 12:20:46 | |||
große Felsformationen lassen sich seit dem update nicht mehr abbauen. | 60.06 | 2024-09-13 12:07:50 | |||
i nothiced that when i hold "e" or left mouse button while picking up ores then the "esc", "tab" and mouse button wont work causing a lot of panic because i cant even save if it's a crash | 59.98 | 2024-09-13 11:43:32 | |||
I was not able to duplicate the pump station glitch I was experiencing. This time, I have both lines from both horizontal tanks hooked to an on-base pump station, and then a line from that into my workshop, and I have the total amount of water from all my wells on both sites available to my base, and my bathroom sink is of course functioning normal. I'm not sure what may have happened the first time. Perhaps it was the way I had one of my pump stations set. Anyways, my glitch report was likely a false alarm! | 30.00 | 2024-09-13 11:33:37 | |||
There may be a strange glitch with the pump station, or more specifically, a pump station to a pump station. There is no water where I am building Alpha-Beta Base, and so I have run water from a bunch of wells through a pump station on the water site to a large horizontal tank on my base, and then into the water port on my Workshop. Everything has worked fine. However, I recently added a second well site, built a well on it, and ran a long line from it to a second horizontal tank on my base. To hook the 2 tanks together, I built a 2nd pump station, this one on my base, and then ran that into the water port on my workshop. That messed everything up, as from then on, I had no water for my bathroom sink, or even to a Workshop sink I built to test the glitch. I tried running a 2nd output from the pump station to the port on my hanger, and that didn't work. I tried eliminating the pump all together, and simply running one tank to the port on my Workshop and 1 tank to the port on my hanger, and that didn't work, even though the line from the first tank to the input on my workshop was exactly like it was originally before I built the pump. It is as if as soon as I connected the 2 lines to the pump, and then the pump into the workshop, something glitched, and my base was no longer able to support water to my sinks. I reloaded my previous save, left the original line into the workshop alone, and ran the 2nd line into the 2nd tank, and then into the hanger, without ever using a pump to connect the 2 tanks together, and everything works fine. There may be some kind of a glitch that is initiated when a pump is used to connect 2 water lines together, at least if 1 line comes from a pump already. Note that I changed the pump settings to allow more than enough water to flow into the workshop. Also note that my plants never failed to have enough water - only my sinks were affected (and maybe the shower?) | 29.93 | 2024-09-13 11:12:13 | |||
Once you research the "O2 from the building'', the O2 tanks in the Heavy Rover start depleting extremely fast when you close the door. | 120.12 | 2024-09-13 10:53:18 | |||
seed magazines sometimes duplicate when last seed from magazine is placed | 165.17 | 2024-09-13 10:06:56 | |||
plants sometimes disappear when moving them inside seed machine between slots | 164.93 | 2024-09-13 10:06:19 | |||
"Instant" movement type is still too sluggish (I honestly see no difference between realistic). Would be nice if it was really instant, like in other first person games. Also the first person camera seems to be following player's head which is quite uncomfortable while the player's is still slightly bobbing even with bobbing disabled. Sluggish player controls is what makes people not even start the game, i.e. my friends who said the player movement makes the game unplayable. | 82.28 | 2024-09-13 09:39:21 |