Hello Dev's, I've been having a blast playing the new game, jest thought I could give a little feed back since I have logged a bunch of hour playing now. First can you please add more marker options for the radar I'd like to be able to set better markers for locations I have visited also changing the view on the radar from the god awful x-ray style view to a satalite view wirth conture lines would be so much better. Second when I'm out on long expditions and come back to base I have to do a clean up of randomly spawned rocks all over my base and even inside my base at times, it's very anoying... lol... Thirdly I can't 3D print replacement O2 or H2O bottles I lost one and would love to be able to replace it. And last but not least could you please do someting about the random framerate dropps some times it gets so bad that it causes me to crash my ATV. thanks a bunch for all the hard work the team has done the game is going to awesome if you all keep working on it!