Well, i got a bug where my water well would tell me "NaN" wich ment, when i tryed to refill water, it would say "water refilled .58411853%" and the bar showing my hydration and the water drop in the inventory would be "empty" even thou i had full water. After this, i got a meteor shower wich killed some of my corridor, i fixed them up, replaced those that was lost completely, but then i keep getting the message "External Pressure Dropping" when inside my base. I had plenty of oxygen production, no leaks, nothing broken and before i got it, i had 3 green arrows in the "External O2" bar. so i decided to "move", and here it went really wonkie! without any problem, i can grind down more the less everything without an issue, but grinding down Headquater and workshop will render me unable to save my game. When i try to save i will end up with "Saving..." like normal, but i just stays there, rendering me unable to use the menu, move stuff around in the tablet, to sleep (after selecting the amount of hours) and so on and on. All this, happend in one go. Keep up the great work ladies and gentlemen and thanks for a great game, so far ;)