I have 2 workshops connected with a multi connector and have been connected for about a week [ingame time; multiple game sessions]. The orignal workshop is now showing -36W and the other is showing 20W like it should. This is not in the workshop tablet but I am getting this info from looking down at the floor in the center of the object. When I look at the mounted tablets I think its displaying the correctly if you take 36W off what all the parts should total to.
I have about what should require 80W at night. But the workshop info screen is telling me I only require 55W and during the day is 16W.
Now for what was annoying. I have 1 incubator in each workshop. The one in the newer pod is growing fine. After a little over 1 day the incubator in the original pod had the plants wither. I triple checked the values for power and water were entered right. I even maxed out the power in the morning to 139.7W and that didn't fix it. I don't have more seeds to test if moving the incubator will fix the issue. I could do that and report back.