Hello, I started a free play game in v0.120.1 and ran into a problem with unlocking the Heavy Rover, I was getting the message that everything was unlocked when it wasn’t. So then I reloaded the game in the “public_testing branch v0.122.2 as it mentions that the tablet issue was fixed. But the issue remains, I’ve unlocked just about everything except for the Heavy Rover it shows requires unlocking in the tech tree, I can’t seem to find the tablet. I’ve gotten about 32 tablets 14 that I throw in the trash can, thinking that the issue might be that they were all stacked in my inventory. So then went out and got 18 more! Every time I use one it says “Downloaded data from all available tablets” I can’t progress with the game because everything is not accessible in that tech tree past the Heavy Rover. I’ve traveled over 10k meters and was able to get all the seeds and every tablet I came across said the same thing. Can we get this fixed a.s.a.p.? So I can continue playing the game!