Good Day,
Hope you are well, First off Great game so far.
But I do have some issues or bug, hope you can help or fix this in future.
Save Game: When i use Jetpack or have Main board and abandonet Tablets in my invetory and move them to storage the game will not save anymore after that in autosave or after i sleep, I need to reload and save game befor autosave than it will work 90% of the time.
Hanger: Hangerr make all my pressure go out the building even with airlock and what not to hold teh air in, The door is brocken after I drive my Rover in, can only use power the other console dos not work at all.
Radio: Like this but is Bug as hell, I have one in HQ and can only hear it there everywhere else is nothing, if i put a radio in a new room on teh otherside of teh base it will not play, duo to another radio playing. either make radio per room or on for th base or per Anntena cover, Please.