Feed back on some of the buildings:
Lobby, currenlty unhappy face. Reason. Can't build inside, co2, desks, fridge, etc. only redeming quality is the power/water/air hookup
Door/Hatch. unhappy face. Reason. when manually opening, door should remain open until manually close when no power. Some how they magically get power to close behind a user.
Coridors. meh face. They work. The window versons give odd pictures ouside, like your over a canyon, when they are built on flat ground.
Greenhouse. Happy face. 90% good. don't understand the odd sizing. 20/24/18 for the growing zones. Then they don't even balance with domes.
Cantina, meh face. more expensive warehouse. redemin quality is internal power connection. (more buildings should have these, looking at bedroom/lobby.)
Large doom, best of the bunch, external connections for power/water/air.
Warehouse. Happy face. well balanced
Main hub. meh face. Great room, like the two stories. wish it had more windows, would be better to watch storms from if could look out all sides on the second floor. takes too long to get to the marginal benifits