ores seem to fall under the map no matter the size most of the time. this is also the continueation of the last report i made about ores going under the map. basicly i currently mining resources to upgrade my power plant in the game and when i was mining some big rocks. i thoght that normally it can't fall pass the ground but yet i was wrong. another rock fell under the ground which kinda disappointed me. and what sucks is that recreating is hard all i do when i trying to do it fast is that when i continue walking on where i drop it. it has a around 5% chance to have collision disabled with the map somehow? i know it not a intended feature either. but not like i angry. i enjoy the game and still having fun but i if i have to relie on luck for resources to not go into the ground that bad design in a way. like i already said it like a 5%. if i was gonna recommend a fix it be for all resources to have a height check where if it goes a ceten disance down then it teleport up few meters above. that my recommend but it might not be a good one. i know my writing maybe terrible because to be honest noone uses grammerly at this point. but i like to say ever resource counts and i hope it get patched some time. thank you for reading this (from DankMariGold)