Loving the game so far. needs polish which works best with feedback, so heres mine. Full disclosure. this is a nitpick QOL feedback. Tab should bring up the wrist thingy like it does,but default to the inventory . yes i know the i key is the default inventory key. and you should know thats a bad keybind for First person games. this keybind works in MMOs primarily because there is no rush. but in games like this. and subnautica, we the players are sometimes in need of very, Very time sensitive maneuvers. such as going to grab that tablet (blueprint) from a high rad zone, and needing to suddenly inventory manage when the tablet falls to the floor with the red text "inventory full" the extra step of letting go of my mouse to hit 'i' OR the extra step of having to click 'Inventory' After hitting 'Tab'. can be the difference between life and death! ( totally not hyperbolic at all \s ) but in all seriousness tab defualting to the wrist thing with inventory already open. would feel much more intuitive with a game of this genre in my experience. P.s. just bought this game. and as i did with subnautica, im playing story(campaign) mode blindly, no tutorials, no walkthroughs. I like a challenge. its fun for me. why is this relevant for you as an early access developer? well. im a frequent feedback gamer. expect to see my username frequently in your inbox! I love this type of game.Apologies in advance for some of the feedback. as it might be driven by frustration. but it comes from a place of love.