A: When useing a console like battery rack, and all others, let the inventory key take you out of the console directly to inventory in tablet. B: A similar "short action" should be aplied to "taking a battery from the battery rack" IE: the battery should "try to go to an empty slot in the suit first", before filling up personal inventory slot and making you exit console, enter inventory, move battery etc... there are alot of those that can be employed in various parts of the game and makes operational sense. The Helmet glass still looks terible but I notice it comes and goes in severity sometimes ? wierd.. . Game seems to run a bit better this nuclear preview. Still getting rocks stuck to me sometimes and nothing removes them but a restart. one time I went to bed with a whole bunch stuck to me ...-) not very comfy.. I am making lots of U rods -) with no probs yet and building a "farm" of killopowers, no probs yet. Hacking of antenna is ok and is hard enough, maybe variation between antenna types to hack them entirely differently. It would be an obvious move to enable use of tablet in and on all vehicals without dismount (maybe stationary requirement and would include jet pack naturally but jetpack needs a :flying hud" that displays selected "tracked" signal or target too in a minimap or something even better. The game "Star Conflict" has some good huds that could be translated to work with your mapping and tracking styles.