I was excited for this nuclear update, but have to be honest that I am a lot disappointed with it. First is performance decrease. Then the Kilopower was a massive letdown and the mechanics to get to it are meh. But then the mining. I started with a large miner and all it gets is 2000 of an ore. I can run around and gather that by hand way faster than this miner can produce it, and that is its sole job. But then having a tipper or dump load of only 2000 ore? Why, I can carry that in 3 inventory slots. There was a lot cool with this game in the beginning but as time goes on and the way things are changed and new things added, it seems like it was not planned out this far or that well. Beginning had a plan. Then what happened? Wind power is a neat concept but a huge letdown. The repairable tools, a nice idea, thankfully those early gate blockers were addressed and that made it better. But now the mining and kilopower are also huge let downs. I guess I just don't see the point yet. I have had over 3000Kw being provided to my bases easily enough with solar and batteries. A mere 88Kw with all that is required to get that 88Kw? I have done without and I can do without. If that was 1000Kw, that would have been worth those hoops to jump through to get it. But 88? Nah. With all the hype that was put out about this update too. Maybe that makes it even worse, hype that did not live up to itself. Without the hype, maybe I wouldn't have expected so much awesome that was not delivered and I would have been more awed at.... 88Kw? Nope, that is just a huge letdown hype or no hype. Sorry but a big miss for this player.