1. Unable to see any colours in the 'radar/map' for the new mining equipment - playing 'freestyle' to learn how to use the equipment but cannot learn how when the colours do not show up. tried using the scanner III first but nothing shows up except for water spots.
2. Unable to figure out how to check the 'meterites' after arriving at the locations given for them - how do you investigate them when you cannot pick them up or do anything except 'leave quickly because of radiation coming from them' - you cannot get too close, you cannot use the jackhammer III on them or anything else. How far can you travel on mars map wise (considering Mars is 2000km circumference in real life) as I am attempting to 'cirumnavigate' (North to South) the planet placing bases every 50km's apart (50000m separation).
Over to you for your responses to these difficulties?