Cant tell whats going on exactly.. workshops connected to one another , also connected to greenhouses, and even an HQ... none of the buildings get damaged from sandstorms. Connect a hangar to the array even separated by a duo airlock.... and the whole building system can take damage from the sandstorm. Why the HELL does this happen? I also had a starter base, 2 workshops open connected.. put two airlocks on either end, one an exit and the other connected to a capsule adapter, to further connect 2 living spaces an a bathroom. the capsule adapter was the only connector to take damage in the sandstorm.. This shit just doesnt make any sense guys. COME ON NOW. I used to think the corriders were the cause. some type of leakage. but nope. Why is this happening this way?? Lets get this fixed to where one doesnt have to worry about building damages aye?