Abandoned building structures and spawn points for seeds, materials/resources
If sooner or later the abandoned building structures are destroyed by the power cutter to extract material. These, including the spawn points for materials, circuit boards, etc., will NOT be permanently deleted. As soon as you pass these places again later, sections of buildings will be there again. Since it is the case in many places, there are either solar panels there again or lock sections, corridors, capsules. Isn't it worth specifying either the coordinates or which types of spawn points or buildings are affected because it affects all types of abandoned building structures and in all locations. It's somehow illogical why completely destroyed buildings and the Spwan points that appear just stay there. For example, if you destroy an abandoned main building to gain resources, the Spwan points for random resources or ladder boards REMAIN. This is an extreme BUG and should NOT be this way. If something is gone, it should stay gone permanently.
Please revise again. The building sections, no matter what type, CANNOT appear again and just as it CANNOT happen that the Spwan points CANNOT be deleted. In the places where buildings once stood but which the player destroyed with his power cutter.