Hi again. I would be playing the game right now but my character is currently sleeping and will not wake up again. I tested sleeping in the rover at 20 meters from the garage and then again at around 750 meters successfully. Now I'm over 2000 meters away attempting to do some exploring and I stopped for the night and now again when my avatar went to sleep, time did not speed up. The camera is doing the normal sleep mode thing moving around the rover but the stars are not move across the sky as they should. So it is possible for time to be still passing but at a normal rate and I just don't have the time to see if my avater wakes up in 8 hours. I'm not even sure if you are getting these because I have sent several and when I logged in to Steam it Showed part of one that I had already sent but not complete. This was a really awsome game untill something was changed and now its become unplayable. You can contact me at
[email protected] if you have any questions because I will not be playing this game again until I get some information telling me this has been resolved. There are just to many games out there that will run correctly.