So I'm not sure this is a bug or not. but I've noticed with my water network. that what is displayed on the pump display is not being displayed inside my greenhouse or workshops or any other building that I can connect water to. For more clarification, when I open my pumps up and I look at the menu, I have my greenhouse and two workstations or workshops. I send 25% to each location which is about in this case 457lh. For all three at. the pump now. when I go inside my habs, go to each workstation or the greenhouse station to look at the power and water that's being consumed and coming in. It will show that I am bringing in In this case I have a +11 coming in and a demand of -24. Some kind of confused. if I'm consuming 24 liters an hour. only 11 liters an hour coming in but at the pump they says I have 457 liters hour going in. Where is all my water? I have no leaks. so maybe this is something that was overlooked or it was a bug