I bought the game yesterday and I'm really enjoying it. I will say though, there are a couple things I would suggest improvement on. I play a lot of survival builder games. For me, I like the sandbox aspect of it, rather than story. So, I jumped in with the sandbox part. I found that the tutorials were really just absent. I did find them in the menu system, but for me, I am a visual learner. I like it when a game walks you through something and tells you how to do it the first time. I think a tutorial game mode would be great. At the beginning of a new game, I would give players the ability to play with a hands on tutorial, or opt out. Secondly, something that I think would really add to the immersion of the game. If tire tracks were deeper on certain surface types, it would look a bit more realistic. I noticed that they seem to have the same depth through out, so it is hard to see where I came from. Tire tracks don't seem to change the natural surface ripples either, so there isn't much visual difference. Something to consider for the future.