I love playing this game! And I am glad to be apart of it. First and foremost, thank you for a wonderful game, and thank you for bringing a faster charging mechanic for the suit battery. Now, the main issue that I have ran into is my game will freeze up almost instantly when I use the rover drill to break apart the meteorites that show up from time to time. I have to wait forever for my computer to respond(I normally don't have any troubles playing HellDiversII on mid-high settings) and this last time I had to turn off my computer and back on to get out of the game so I could load it back up. Now, I am not complaining, as I am just trying to inform is all. But 2 freezes for almost 80 hours of gameplay is not bad(in my opinion). All in all, I love the game and find myself enjoying it more and more as I continue to make progress. Keep up the great work and I look forward to the update(s)!!! :D