The newly-introduced limitation of the O2 contingent available in the escape capsule isn't communicated to the player adequately.
As a matter of fact, the O2 bottle filler in the capsule still says "6 l/h", implying a continued production of O2, when it actually has run out (and maybe never produced O2 in the first place, just had spare O2 in some tank).
Furthermore, trying to continue filling O2 bottles when the capsule's O2 has expired will just give the usual progress message claiming that it is filling the O2 bottle, when it actually isn't.
Also, the player is not adequately informed that they need to estabilsh their own O2 supply because the capsule WILL run out after a dozen days or so.
Even having read the release notes, this has crept up on me, because my impression after playing a few sols was that I had misunderstood the release notes; that the O2 supply of the escape capsule remained unlimited, and that the limitation only pertained to the _external_ oxygen level in the capsule. I therefore expected the only adverse effect to be that I wouldn't be able to take off my helmet in the capsule anymore, which I don't do anyway.
(Running a sandbox game here; maybe story mode is giving more warning about the exact nature of this limitation.)