I like the game, it is fun even without any missions. What I would like to see: 1. I have a problem with small water production, so I place more wells, but the problem is the building can only receive one pipe, so there shoud be a pump/collector so I could connect more systems together. 2. The electricity system is a bit cring, I have to build a station so I can plug in all my panels, then a battery and again a station to distribute it, bit weird. 3. If I find an ATV, why would not I be able to ride it, like common sence?! 4. When mining, the recourses should atlest be the colors they are in the big roks, why are they all the same redish and after I mine them they change color, makes again no sence. 5. Fells like the time ist too fast, it is hard to explore on foot after 2 kliks one way. Thats for now, I hope it will improve. Keep on the good work!!!