Emotion | Description | Screenshot | Fps | Created At | |
Deconstructing buildings should be possible without killing yourself. If deconstructing a building, like a solar panel, is harmful, then there should be good feedback given showing what's going on and what to do to prevent it. | 60.01 | 2023-10-07 16:54:38 | |||
Thanks for allowing to remap arrow keys, it's really important for left-handed people. Control, Shift, Alt etc. are by default tied to LEFT only. Remapping to right is possible but very tedious - you have to do it at about 10 different places. Same with WSAD vs. arrows. It'd be much more user friendly to allow remapping in groups, or have some presets. | 59.89 | 2023-10-07 15:58:16 | |||
Great Game so fare just wanted to let u know when grinding down anything with a cable connected the cable then becomes a soild floating object and unable to pick up. | 75.06 | 2023-10-07 15:57:51 | |||
The controls of the large rover are extremely difficult to use. The main problem is that they are part of the 3D world, and they are located in different parts of the rover. Perhaps that's means to be realistic, but it's not fun. A 2D control screen (in screenspace, like UI) would work much better. | 60.01 | 2023-10-07 15:56:36 | |||
The covers on the plugs are annoying, there doesn't seem to be any functional reason for them, and they're difficult to open with the mouse pointer. I think it'd be easier if they were automatic (can connect through them, they auto-open), or there were not present at all. | 60.01 | 2023-10-07 15:55:29 | |||
100 % ist nur noch 20% spielsstand | 9.89 | 2023-10-07 13:24:15 | |||
Love the game. Found a bug. When destroying a very large/gigantic rock with the jackhammer. I tried to jump up on part of it and instantly died by 'accident' according to the report. All other small/medium/large rocks I can climb and destroy. It's only happened with the gigantic ones. | 50.62 | 2023-10-07 10:18:12 | |||
We are now finding seeds in bases, thank you. However, there is one type of seed missing, Peppers. Please check, this looks like a bug. | 47.95 | 2023-10-07 09:25:48 | |||
Antennen können im grossen Shredder nicht für Produktion ausgewählt werden. | 30.00 | 2023-10-07 07:57:22 | |||
Wenig realistisch, dass über die ganze Marsoberfläche verteilt Basen gebaut werden. Gut als Quelle für Ressourcen. Spieltechnisch jedoch aus meiner Sicht wenig sinnvoll. | 60.06 | 2023-10-07 07:49:14 | |||
Heavy Rover Kurven rückwärs fahren nicht wirklich möglich. Ich denke nicht, dass irgen ein Weltraumunternehmen solche schlecht fahrbare Fahrzeuge entwerfen würde... Idee: Gelenk und hinterste Achse in Lenkung einbeziehen? | 59.80 | 2023-10-07 07:46:28 | |||
Rotkohl ist im Gewächshaus sofort(ohne Wachstumsphase) erntebereit | 59.99 | 2023-10-07 07:44:01 | |||
Beim bohren entstehende Steine schweben in der Luft. | 60.06 | 2023-10-07 07:42:03 | |||
0.137.1d. Suggestion: a fridge in the main dome. It would be great to have a refrigerator in the main dome, as well as a refrigerator and a botany bench in the greenhouse. I've been suggesting this for a while regarding the greenhouse, and I'd like to add a refrigerator as a botany bench. Thank you. | 33.00 | 2023-10-07 06:44:30 | |||
0.137.1d. Capsule Inside the Big Rock Bug. I started a new game in free mode, on hard difficulty with everything except equipment set to hard, while equipment is set to tourist mode. At the beginning of the game, upon exiting the capsule, I noticed that the capsule and character are inside the large rock. I managed to get out of the rock, but now it's impossible to get back in. You have to use the compressor hammer and chip your way to reach the capsule. A rather strange bug. I replayed the game to record and document it, and I'm attaching the full report with the saved game Discord. | 55.01 | 2023-10-07 04:28:52 | |||
Doing the power training and the cable is floating and when I pick it up the message-mission doesn't go to next part. | 60.06 | 2023-10-07 01:27:59 | |||
It would be nice if there was a guage on the outside of Horizontal Tanks which showed the current fill level. | 32.08 | 2023-10-06 23:23:56 | |||
In the last few hours I was more angry about your gameplay as happy to play this game. First point of view, the very wrong balancing about time (Daytime) and the speed you walk and drive in the game. If I drive 32 km/h then i can't take 4 hours to drive a way from 4 km. That was 1 km/h. Daytime is to fast and the wayparameter a wrong. Second point, is the way you can build building in the game. Why I can't choice the color I wante fore my building? Why you can not build a module at a good place and why you can not build the Hangar in a way you can use the ramp for what she ist there? Allways I can only build the hangar in a way / place where is a steep between the ramp an the ground. Also not good is the way you can look where you build the building, a better way where a look from the top, so you can see all points and how they can put togehter. Third point, why i can't get all stuff back if I destroy a pump? I never got back the "little platine". And about this I rember something else. I found a lot of middle and great "platinen" but littel ?! To find them is like to get the jackpot in a Lottery. The balancing is not good. You need the little one for the most building objects and get not enough. Last thing is the framerate terrible. | 20.49 | 2023-10-06 23:09:32 | |||
so idk if its just what im not noticing, or maybe it doesnt happen.. but corrider joints dont take damage anymore it seems from tornadoes? But 4 way connectors do!?!?! its the only vulnerable part of the base transportation that seems to remain and i dont understand why long corridors or joints dont take damage (so it seems) and connectors do (i had 2 taking the damage) It is stupid. its more annoying then actually functional. I despised the base needing corriders before when it seems the tornadoes broke them all the time anyway so i built around that. i thought id try it now and see if anything changed and it seemed to have except for the 4ways. airlocks, corridors, all the like dont take damage but the 4 way does..am i missing something? or can we just do without that nonsense please. Thanks - JP | 52.88 | 2023-10-06 20:22:07 |