Emotion | Description | Screenshot | Fps | Created At | |
Im getting stuck on my hand menu device, its not responding and i cant move away from it, im having to re-start the game | 0 | 2024-04-28 20:06:13 | |||
Auch wenn man in der Basis sich schlafen legen will wie im Rover , hängt sich das Spiel auf. Es dreht sich der Bilfschirm, aber die Zeit bleibt stehen. EIn Abruch mit ESC oder der rechten maustaste ist nicht möglich. Das spiel muss kompett neu gestartet werden. | 30.00 | 2024-04-28 19:06:40 | |||
Wenn man vom Rover aus speichern möchte , hängt sich das Spiel komplett auf!#Ein überspringen ist nicht möglich!!! Sehr ärgerlich | 30.04 | 2024-04-28 18:47:08 | |||
Good night i go sleep but the night dont stop i sleep in the rover . that is the first time . the game is in early acces so ... your game is marvelous and i enjoy playing with you. good job man chris | 60.06 | 2024-04-28 18:09:59 | |||
Please Cheat Options | 74.86 | 2024-04-28 15:44:34 | |||
Cant exit sleep in survial capsual only since update | 60.00 | 2024-04-28 10:16:55 | |||
Hallo an Alle - Ich liebe dieses Spiel, bitte macht weiter so !! Ich habe eine Frage wegen den PenDrives, haben die eine Funktion ?Ich hab schon einige gefunden in auch in den richtigen Tischen entpackt/geladen. Aber es wird nichts freigeschalten :( kommt sicher noch ;) Ihr macht das SUPER !!! | 60.06 | 2024-04-28 08:58:52 | |||
It would be great if the Miner: Container Ramp could store one container that can be used to increase the capacity of the Miner. Just build the Container Ramp, drive a container to it and select Load Container. This would take the container from the Rover and store it on the Ramp and it used as a storage extension. Then you just drive up again with thhe rover and select unload container and it moves the container from the ramp onto the Rover again. This way you can drop off a container, wait a while, then come back and get it. You could even make it that the Miner does not have any storage and relies on the container for storage. | 0 | 2024-04-28 08:21:55 | |||
Multiple boulders are being created on top of each other. | 29.98 | 2024-04-28 00:52:12 | |||
Hi. die Schlafzeiten lassen sich leider nicht mehr überspringen. | 59.86 | 2024-04-27 16:26:48 | |||
it ko | 10.00 | 2024-04-27 08:37:55 | |||
Czesc Dzialam na tym Marsie i jest ciekawie. Znalazlem pewna niedogodnosc w relacji gracz i "cos co ma magazyn" Brakuje bezposredniego dostepu do paska narzedzi. Przedmioty mozna wymieniac jedynie w linii ekwipunek gracza - "jakis magazyn" (czy to lodowka, czy food processor etc. ...cokolwiek co trzyma zasoby) Przykladowo trzymam tacke na sadzonki w lodowce (a co), chce ja pobrac bo bede przesadzal rosliny. Klikam na lodowce i mam zasoby: swoj ekwipunek i lodowke. Czyli moge przeciagnac zasob z lodowki JEDYNIE do plecaka. Wiec by go uzyc musze "wyjsc z lodowki" wejsc do plecaka (ekwipunku) i dopiero przeciagnac przedmiot na pasek narzedzi. To nie powinno tak dzialac - pasek narzedzi to szybki dostep. Nawet bardziej logiczne byloby powiazanie pasek narzedzi - magazyn niz pasek narzedzi - ekwipunek. "rece - szafa" vs "plecak - szafa" ...plecakiem nie wyciagamy niczego z szafy tylko rekami i dopiero do plecaka. To jest naprawde upierdliwe przy czestej wymianie podrecznego sprzetu. Dorzuccie prosze mozliwosc pobrania przedmiotow bezposrednio na narzedziowy (z pominieciem ekwipunku) i bedzie super. Pozdrawiam i trzymam kciuki | 30.00 | 2024-04-26 23:30:53 | |||
Left blowtorch on rerpair bench overnight, couldn't pick up again, rerpaired jackhammer over top of it, deleted workbench and it dropped to floor, cheers | 0 | 2024-04-26 23:06:54 | |||
atv is stuck in the floor after resetting | 29.97 | 2024-04-26 19:02:01 | |||
why wont you add spotty to the game | 71.64 | 2024-04-26 12:16:48 | |||
its really really uite stupid that i spent the last hout unlocking the greenhouse only to find that the plant incubator the hydroponic bed the seed machine the food processing machine noneo f these can be built there..... yes i get use the large ones...i promise you 9/10 players assume they can move their plantincubators and hydro shelfs over and work to build it only to find out they needed to find five more tablets to use the thing we just built. its not possible forr this to be a satisfying game loop. it is only posible either you didnt notice or its intensly frustrating. so in a single player game . why? remove the frustatiing possible element. let the greenhouse work with more things and everyone is happy when they unock it not frustrated | 60.06 | 2024-04-26 05:54:44 | |||
this has happened several times. When I am Dividing up the harvest, whatever I just split from the whole just vanishes, and I happens on the Seed Machine the most. It wouldn't bug me if I were playing in MadMan Mode and I am at Sol 40, and food is scarce. and to have 20 Beets vanish, really is anoying. and might I suggest Mad Man starts with 15 each instead of ten, so you can at least build the well. Or have some AL rocks near the landing spot. | 60.00 | 2024-04-26 04:40:34 | |||
Crane grab not working. | 30.00 | 2024-04-25 22:54:53 | |||
Terrain Bug! | 30.00 | 2024-04-25 15:15:39 |