Emotion | Description | Screenshot | Fps | Created At | |
0.184 strange update, lots of bugs, version 0.160 didn't have as many bugs as here | 29.98 | 2024-09-03 18:26:51 | |||
Podczas piłowania piłą - piła wchodzi w udo kolonisty - głupio to wygląda - piłuję metal, czy nogę? | 47.94 | 2024-09-03 18:06:00 | |||
Dlaczego lądujemy ciągle w tym samym miejscu? Po uratowaniu się, powinno być kilka scenariuszy, gdzie ląduje kapsuła ewakuacyjna. Powtarzanie tych samych zadań, chodzenie w celu zdobycia materiałów do tych samych baz zniechęca, zwłaszcza że trzeba wczytywać grę po zebraniu materiałów (płytki), albo innych każdego gracza słusznych przedmiotów. Czas, jaki traci się na powtarzalne czynności i niechęć... nie wiem, czy dam radę zaczynać po raz piąty tę grę. Piaskownica (bez fabuły jest ok) - z fabułą.. niedopracowana, co sugerujecie podczas wyboru, czyli już na samym początku komunikujecie, że fabularnie gra nie jest dopracowana. Poprzednia wersja 0.160.2 była pod tym względem lepsza. Jeszcze brak kompatybilności "Save" i zaczynanie od początku... gdyby były lepsze korzyści, inne miejsce lądowania lub jakieś profity - ok, wówczas chwaliłbym, a tak... | 0 | 2024-09-03 17:16:53 | |||
The crane travel-mode (the button that puts away attachments and fold up the crane behind the cabin) button is invisible. It's still there and clickable, you just can't see it. | 88.90 | 2024-09-03 17:10:03 | |||
Oyuncu Veya Bir Araç Yerde Olan Kabloyla Buga Girebiliyor | 77.42 | 2024-09-03 17:07:13 | |||
Nie można przewrócić butli, aby wydostać się z warsztatu. Nie pomaga kucanie, wbieganie, przejście, cofanie się. Droga przebyta na pamięć po raz enty. Czy można pominąć tę część w bazie i prace dla Gubernatora? Zaczynanie gry po raz piąty, czy szósty z rzędu i przechodzenie tej samej ścieżki dialogowej oraz prac - zniechęca. Powinno być pytanie: Czy chcesz pominąć czołówkę i wprowadzenie, gdy grasz po raz kolejny? Tak, chcę pominąć i od razu znaleźć się na Marsie. | 48.02 | 2024-09-03 16:58:40 | |||
I am not getting any water transferred from my pump to my workshop, even though I have400+ liters in storage and the water pipe is connected. | 48.21 | 2024-09-03 16:32:46 | |||
There's something very wrong with the transfer of oxygen from well tank to the rover with this update. I'm not sure how it was before, but the rover just ate 23l of oxygen and only went up by maybe 1% oxygen level yet while sleeping in rover, the oxygen went down by 11%. | 30.01 | 2024-09-03 16:32:23 | |||
sleep time no fast | 32.48 | 2024-09-03 16:19:15 | |||
Uszkodzony quad na początku gry. Nie można podnieść uszkodzonej płytki (jest niewidoczna) mimo, że jest komunikat (chmurka). Komunikat głosowy mówi: Niestety, nie możesz tego zrobić. Gra zaczęta drugi raz. Trzeba będzie rozpocząć po raz trzeci. Jednak, jeśli błedy powtórzą się, to najnowsza aktualizacja nie została przetestowana przed wydaniem, zlecając jej testowanie graczom. Ubolewam nad tym faktem... | 48.02 | 2024-09-03 16:12:28 | |||
filled oxygen bottle while in the survival capsule, went to reterive bottle but i cannot get it. The bottle is just sitting there, no action availabe. I am in campaign mode. Tried to fill another bottle but the screen says remove bottle first. Took all o2 bottles out of inventyory, but no joy. A little help please. | 59.95 | 2024-09-03 16:06:50 | |||
Forever sleep bug is back. Skip (F4) no help. Need to manually "crash" game and restart save. | 60.06 | 2024-09-03 15:33:36 | |||
Looks like we may have an O2 bottle bug seems to fill and create new bottles and I can't remove them after it fills from the starting capsule. | 30.11 | 2024-09-03 15:08:15 | |||
Hi sorry for my english, so due to new version, I have to save and load each time I want to reload an bottle of oxygene In second, I have made energy in the warehouse to use my desk, but still doesn't work Thank you for the devs. | 47.99 | 2024-09-03 14:39:52 | |||
Workshop bug or a bugged well. When the well is not connected to the workshop, it produces water, but when you connect the well to the workshop, it stops working and doesn't produce water. The workshop doesn't receive water, and no water appears in either the well or the workshop. Without water, there's no food, and the game can no longer progress. An urgent patch is needed. | 82.46 | 2024-09-03 14:24:12 | |||
It still needs more optimization and processing performance. I have an RTX 3060 graphics card with 12 GB of VRAM and 16 GB of RAM, and new thermal paste. The game reaches 78 degrees Celsius both in the main menu and while playing. I have been searching for the right settings and ended up lowering everything to low and minimum, disabling some features, and making the game as low in graphics as possible. I've only reduced the temperature to 75 degrees. The game looks like it’s from 20 years ago. Other games run better with high quality settings and open-world survival. | 82.53 | 2024-09-03 14:16:51 | |||
I don't like the Iris doors that open quickly and instantly—the animation is too fast. The levers to open them, anything with doors, circuit slots, and the CO2 scrubber, all have very fast door animations. I wish there was an option to remove the fast animation and revert to the animation from the previous version 0.160.02. They should add more options so players can choose the type of game they want to play. Some people prefer realism and less fiction. | 82.50 | 2024-09-03 14:16:10 | |||
It seems there's a bug because the well was connected to the workshop and was full of water. In the workshop, there was only the faucet, the incubator, and the hydroponics shelf, but they weren't using water yet. Suddenly, there's no water left, and the workshop appears to be consuming water and leaving the well empty. Yes, there's power. When I disconnect the well from the workshop, the well starts to recover water | 82.49 | 2024-09-03 13:41:28 | |||
O2 bottle stuck on scrubber cant remove | 9.99 | 2024-09-03 13:12:11 |