Emotion | Description | Screenshot | Fps | Created At | |
Alright so i figured out what was happening in my last bug report with the hab o2 not holding pressure and so on...I read that on the radar you can toggle O2 view and click on the hab and saw the capicity was 1200 and mine was totally drained. I had no idea this was a mechanic. This basically gave me false hope thinking i could take my time exploring a bit and was totally unaware that like 6 hours into my playthrough i would be in a corner with not enough o2 to continue my game. I had to start over with that inmind. ALL CAPS HERE SO YOU GET TO THE BOTTOM LOL....CAN YOU PLEASE ADD A O2 GAGUE TO THE BUILDINGS EITHER ON THE HUD OR IN THE BUILDING ITSELF SO PEOPLE CAN UNDERSTAND THAT AND KEEP TRACK PEAS!! Love the game so far though, keep up the good work! | ![]() | 0 | 2025-01-02 07:06:01 | ||
Hello, This game has a lot of promise and I would like to see how it grows. I wanted to make some quality of life suggestions. The meteor shower can destroy the airlock, which then traps you in the base with no way to ever get out. There should be some way to exit the base. A cabinet should not take power, thats silly. We just want a place to put things, but not have to power it. Also putting small boxes around for a few things where they are needed, like seeds near the planter would be nice. I'm currently using the trash can for this, but that should not be the way. Transformer extenders should have an option to be all inputs on both sides, for solar farms. Or maybe each plug can be an input or an output. Real solar farms would have each solar panel wired to the next solar panel in line, and only one would plug into the transformer. Devices should only use power when they are doing something. You have this for the planters, but not for the other items like the 3d printer. Right now I am turning off the fuse when I am not using it, and turning it on when I need to print something, but that is tedious. If they only draw power when being used (like a normal device, and especially something made for mars) then we can just leave them on. Instead of instant death if you open the door without a helmet, it should just drain health fast, so you can close the door or put it on. Really there should be a warning of some kind that doesn't let you open it. In a real space station, a door leading to the outside would be colored red or yellow and have all kinds of warnings. There is no reason to limit sleep in a chair to 8 hours, especially as we are just doing it to skip the night. There should just be a "sleep until it's warm outside" button. An upgrade for ultrasonic dust repellers on the solar panels would be nice. The wind turbines are so under powered that they are basically useless. As they are more advanced then the solar panels, they should be higher powered, or the same power but work at night. There should be a way to make circuts at the desk. Maybe assembling them with electronics and soldering. Only being able to find some needed parts by looting is silly. How did they make them at the other bases? It seems like the carbon scrubbers are working a bit too slow. After a few days I still can't take off my helmet in my base. We should be able to put one rock on the back of the ATV. There is a cargo space there. You should get a native english speaker to go over the text in your game and rewrite the descriptions and tutorials so they are a bit more clear. Why do the capsules look like they landed, when we build them in place? Maybe there should be a step between rocks and putting them in the 3D printer. A real printer can't print with rocks. Maybe a smelting or extraction step, and then a step to make a spool of wire the you can load into the printer. When it prints something that uses parts, it should just take them from our inventory. Transfering them back and forth between inventories is tedious. There are too many first aid kits in the old bases. We almost never need them and they can easily be made ourselves. We are really driving all around looking for circuts which gets tedious. There should be a button for taking off and putting on the helmet. That's what I can think of, I hope it helps. | ![]() | 20.00 | 2025-01-02 05:15:51 | ||
thank you guys for the amazing game, I enjoyed this game more than famous games, it is the best game ever. I want to give you guys a feedback and my experience from playing this game so far. I wish you guys can add another game mode or higher difficulty that keep the player more engaged in this game make sure he go through all of these new techs, tools ... etc, for example mining using the rover experience will be not long, you find yourself having the small miner upgrade right after the rover upgrade, same as botany tech as soon as you start planting you get all of these tech. My suggestion is that if you can make a new game mode ( hardcore for example) to make the game a harder (now after the first gameplay the hard mode became much easier ) by making grinding and tech reward harder or make new sites spawn way way less making them really far away. | ![]() | 90.00 | 2025-01-02 03:55:22 | ||
Sent a bug report about not being able to build the elecrical workbench - user error, the process works correctly | ![]() | 29.97 | 2025-01-01 23:29:09 | ||
I can not build the electrical workbench. I am in the workshop building using the new beta version on a PC and selecting the electrical workbench. The green outline appears, but when I bring up the blow torch the workbench changes to the bed. Major bug | ![]() | 29.96 | 2025-01-01 23:24:27 | ||
There is a supply drop that is either underground or not showing up. There are also items that are slightly under the dirt that I cannot retrieve. Is there a way to dig in this game, or is this a bug? | ![]() | 19.99 | 2025-01-01 21:30:46 | ||
cant move anything after loading quicksave no walking, no turn araound with mouse, tab not working nothing etc | ![]() | 30.00 | 2025-01-01 19:50:29 | ||
It would be great if there were clear windows so that we could see what is going on outside, especially during storms. Otherwsie, great game. Looking forward to seeing what else you add. | ![]() | 60.06 | 2025-01-01 19:46:06 | ||
why can't i sort the container trailer? | ![]() | 123.02 | 2025-01-01 19:18:50 | ||
rover - command to stow the arm. when in crane mode, put the tool heads in a toolbar rather than cycling through with Q. Maybe add a grinder head | ![]() | 82.02 | 2025-01-01 19:09:53 | ||
When in crane mode on the large rover, could we have a toolbar for choosing between the attachment? its annoying to have to cycle through to the drill and then back to the grabber to then go back to the drill. Also, a grinder attachment for the rover would be nice. | ![]() | 99.63 | 2025-01-01 19:02:35 | ||
First off, fantastic game so far. Can't wait for future updates. Just a couple of quality of life suggestions. First, an oxygen outlet inside the hangar to charge the rover would be great. It would also be nice to be able to stock water and oxygen tankes inside the corresponding rover compartment. | ![]() | 143.99 | 2025-01-01 16:51:53 | ||
after a couple of hours of gameplay the AI voice doesnt readout any alerts unless i completely close out of the game and reload. | ![]() | 60.06 | 2025-01-01 16:24:17 | ||
Unable to leave fridge menu - stuck on the screen with no way to get out. I can still interact with items but am unable to resume gameplay. Simultaneously, the large crusher has been printing non-stop with no items queued to be printing. | ![]() | 59.97 | 2025-01-01 14:02:20 | ||
Damage to interior of corridors need to put a way to fix is as losing floor panels, walls and siding without being able to repair is annoying | ![]() | 60.06 | 2025-01-01 12:57:47 | ||
I really want to set up a TV so much. Please make decorations better so we can set more things up. I also want the option to sit down at a table with a plate in front of me, but those decorations won't come up. | ![]() | 11.99 | 2025-01-01 12:00:38 | ||
At scrapped bases, well-tank connections have flow arrows pointing into the well instead of the vertical tank. | ![]() | 60.00 | 2025-01-01 11:25:40 | ||
Stuck on the motocross on the truck's roof. | ![]() | 87.49 | 2024-12-31 22:26:52 | ||
i think it wuold be better for the small CO2 scrubber in the lander capsule to have an O2 production of 6.00 and a temp of 50.00. it wuold ensure that the level is a nice even number. it wuold be even nicer for the ability to make Small CO2 Scrubbers and Small 3D Printers in the base. the Small CO2 Scrubber can be wall-mounted for increased flexability. | ![]() | 29.97 | 2024-12-31 21:45:10 | ||
you shuold not be able to absorb O2 from the building without a bottle in the suit | ![]() | 59.90 | 2024-12-31 21:36:55 |